Sergio Martin-Alvarez
Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
KIPAC - Stanford University

Here you will find some of my work communicating science to audiences more general than the Astronomy & Astrophysics scientific community.
Would you like to have me for an outreach talk at your institution? Get in touch!
Outreach talk:
A Brief History of the Universe
2019 - Oxford Stargazing.
You can watch it also here:
2020 - Open Evenings, University of Cambridge​​
About our article:
The Milky Way may have been shrunk down by ancient magnetic fields
New Scientist:
A short article on New Scientist about our work investigating the impact of magnetic fields in the global properties of galaxies:
About our article:
We may be able to find magnetic fields from the start of the universe
New Scientist:
A short article on New Scientist about our work investigating how primordial magnetic fields may survive in galaxies, providing an alternative window into the early Universe: