Sergio Martin-Alvarez
Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
KIPAC - Stanford University
About me
I am a KIPAC Fellow at the KIPAC institute of Stanford University. My research aims to improve our understanding of the role played by magnetic fields, radiation and cosmic rays in the formation and evolution of galaxies. I also particularly the role played by magnetic fields in shaping galaxies and structure across our Universe.
For my research, I typically generate my very own cosmological magneto-hydrodynamical simulations of galaxies and the cosmos, working mostly with the code RAMSES. My approach to these simulations is frequently focused on placing 'physics-first', intending to include in my models the many physical processes (such as magnetism, radiation, and cosmic rays) required to ensure the formation of realistic galaxies, but frequently overlooked in simulations because of their cost and complexity. All of this implies combining large cosmological scales with fine and ambitious small-scale spatial resolutions to capture the environmental effects that shape galaxies as well as their complicated internal structure where the fundamental processes of galaxy formation take place. ​
Outside Academia
If you really want to know more, I'm from Castellò de la Plana, a small town on the Levante, the east coast of Spain. I grew up there, happily close to the Mediterranean sea, until I started my university studies. Ever since, I have been moving from one place to another every few years.
In my free time (when I still have some of that) I enjoy long-distance running, Shotokan karate, and dancing salsa and bachata. Back in the day I used to play the drums, but due to their ungratefully bulky size, I recently settled for the much more convenient Spanish guitar. My quieter interests include cooking (you have to try my paella Valenciana – it's the real thing!), movies, video games, or devouring books whenever time permits.
Before Stanford
Before my doctorate, I obtained an MSc in Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics from the Universitat de València, where I pursued my Physics BSc. I was fortunate to receive a fully-funded scholarship for my studies from the CMU San Juan de Ribera. I also spent an Erasmus year at the University of Leeds, attending their MPhys programme – somehow managing to squeeze all credits required to complete my undergraduate degree. During my undergraduate studies, I was awarded various research scholarships (e.g. by the IAC and the UV) which allowed me to gain some research experience on theoretical, numerical, and observational astrophysics, as well as in experimental particle physics.
Prior to my current position, I was a Postdoc at the Institute of Astronomy and the Kavli Institute for Cosmology, at the University of Cambridge. I was awarded my Ph.D. in Astrophysics by the University of Oxford, where I held a Hintze scholarship from the Oxford Hintze Centre for Astrophysical Surveys. My thesis advisors were Prof. Julien Devriendt and Prof. Adrianne Slyz, and it was entitled 'Magnetic fields in and around galaxies'.
2022 - Present
Stanford University
2019 - 2022
University of Cambridge
2015 - 2019
University of Oxford
Doctor of Philosophy, Astrophysics
2014 - 2015
Universitat de València
MSc, Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics
2013 - 2014
University of Leeds
Erasmus, 4th year MPhys, Astrophysics
2010 - 2014
Universitat de València
BSc, Physics
Galaxy formation and evolution with magnetic fields, radiation, and cosmic rays
As part of my research, I try to understand what drives the formation of galaxies, setting their properties and those of their interstellar medium.
Magnetic fields
Ubiquitous in our Universe, magnetic fields affect the evolution of astrophysical environments across all scales. Despite this, many of the most fundamental questions about them remain open. I try to give answer to some of those questions through magneto-hydrodynamical cosmological simulations.
Large-Scale Structure
At the largest scales, the cosmic web that permeates our Universe is the largest structure existing in our Universe. Some of my research is also interested in its formation process, its properties, and how it interplays with the formation of galaxies.
Bridging Simulations & Observations
Physics-driven numerical simulations have unrivalled predictive power, and provide us with incredible opportunities to understand the processes behind the astrophysical phenomena taking place in our Universe. Part of my research is directed at forward modelling, typically through synthetic observations of my simulations — generating datasets analogous to those obtained by real telescopes — to underpin new observations.